
About The Journal

Over the past several years I’ve had the opportunity to talk with many people of all walks, backgrounds, and ages, that were struggling in life. The more we talked, I began to realize the one thing we all had in common…we were not consistently reading our Bible, praying, and living out God’s Word in our lives. Our walk with God had become stale and focused on self. Have you been there? I have.

Through my own struggle to live an obedient and content life, and out of a desire to help others living the same way, the PRAA Journal was created to help others like you and me focus on our daily walk with the Lord. And because I believe in the importance of being devoted to God through Bible reading, prayer and obedience, I am offering one PRAA Journal to every household. At no cost. “Why”, you ask? Because God’s word is alive and has the power to transform lives regardless of background or circumstance.

My prayer is that this PRAA Journal is a help to you as you obediently build up the foundation of your faith to become the disciple God called you to be. Because, friend, that is when we begin to experience true contentment.